Stagnation Report 2/2014

Welcome to my first stagnation report. I will be doing this monthly to discuss my progress and to clear up the sidebar for the next month. The point of this log is to help keep myself in check regarding daily progress. Stagnation can be hard to detect on a day to day basis but it becomes much easier to quantify when laid out in a log.

This month I mainly recorded 3 types of activities: Blog work, Gym, and handball. I have decided to no longer record the latter 2. Gym and handball don’t affect my journey to financial freedom in any meaningful way so there’s no point in including them. Even though handball is a sport I’m very good at and really enjoy, sadly there’s just not enough money in it for me to quit my job any time soon. Therefore I have made the painful decision to severely cut down on my handball time so I can focus on actual promising business. I’m sacrificing something I love, to work on getting rid of something I hate(job). I just hope I make it before I’m too old to play the sport professionally.

Regarding gym time, looking strong and muscular has become as important as water to me. I’ve been very skinny all my life and I’ve decided to be big and strong for the rest of it. Compared to handball which can be an all day activity, the gym takes about 2-3 hours to get in a body changing workout and some sauna time. The sauna is actually the only place where I’m allowing myself to just sit, relax, and do nothing.

So basically at this point financial freedom is my primary goal while the gym is my less mentally intensive secondary goal. Now yes if I abandoned the gym I’d have even more time to devote to the journey but I guess that’s my one single tradeoff. If at some point in the future I deem my progress unacceptable then I’ll get rid of the gym too, but not yet.

This month I definitely made significant progress on the site. On 2/1 all I had was a fast free theme that wasn’t formatted the way I wanted. Now I got almost everything looking good except for some minor things that I just can’t figure out, and 4 articles. I’m pretty happy about that.

Going forward I’ll keep this log more focused on financial freedom business only. I’m going to do my absolute best to finish a simple game app I’ve been working on and write at least 2 articles when time permits. I think I’ll write a post about the app project too at some point. I’m also planning to write my first ebook after I finish the app, and that will probably be a series of posts all the way from conception to publishing, so hopefully we can all learn something. 🙂

Anyways, lots of work ahead, should be interesting!


Stagnation Log 2/14

Struggled with my time management. 8 hours at work then some gym time and no time or energy left to do anything. I must become more efficient.

Wrote new article.

Handball: no more of that

Played some handball

Not sure exactly
Started new article
Played some handball

Nothing money related.

Practiced handball for a few hours.

Music Work: DId some piano research, discussion with my friend regarding forming a band

App Work: Worked on design for my simple game app

Improved Blog: Finished second article

Improved Body: Worked out hard
Improved Blog: Started second article

Not much…

Improved blog: Made About page

Improved blog: Fixed some issues
Improved body: Worked out hard

Improved skills: Handball practice
Improved body: Worked out at gym


Improved blog: Worked hard on layout
Improved body: Worked out at gym

Improved blog: Worked on layout

Improved blog: Worked on layout

Improved body: Worked out at the gym

Improved blog: Worked on first article


Improved blog: Worked on blog for 5+ hours, collapsible archives, footer with own menu, share feature, working with close friend on visual design for header, background
Improved body: Worked out at the gym


Improved body: Worked out at the gym, enjoyed sauna.
Improved blog: Removed annoying html from comments.


Improved skills: Played handball for 2-3 hours.
Improved blog: Someone added comments to post.


Improved skills: Played handball for 1 hour.


Improved blog: Added plugins, started daily stagnation log.
Improved skills: Played sports for a few hours.


  • I think the real sacrifice is your job because I bet without it you’d have ample enough time to do handball and work on your business, lol.

    • Indeed I would.

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